Congratulations to the four winners of our Vision Board Competition. We received an impressive number of votes, and we are proud of each of our winners for participating in this Student Council activity with such creative entries!
We would like to give a special word of thanks to our sponsors (below) and to the HS Student Council for creating the competition and providing fun prizes to award participants. Thank you!!
Salma’s incredible artwork received an incredible number of votes in our final voting form. Well done, Salma! Her prize includes an hour-long paddle boarding adventure for a paddling tour with Beach Culture Bahrain!
Our second place winner, Fatima Mardana, created a colorful expression of creativity in her Vision Board! Fatima’s prize includes a new polaroid camera so she can continue to explore her creativity in new ways! Excellent work, Fatima!
Sara Ayman, our third winner, created an incredible original collage of original artworks to express her unique ideas. Sara will receive vouchers for Chipsy Time Cafe for her prize! Way to go, Sara!
Congratulations to our fourth place winner, Rana Abdelaziz! Thanks for participating in this activity and sharing your artwork! Rana will receive a coupon for use at Margarita Restaurant. Enjoy!!
Students are invited to submit entries according to the theme of the competition: What is my vision for 2021?
Terms & Conditions:
January 14: Competition Opens
February 25: Submissions DUE
March 1: PUBLIC Voting Begins on this web page!
March 3: Public voting closes
March 10: Winners Announced
The theme of this competition is What is your vision for 2021? While we have identified a theme, it is completely up to you what the style and format of your vision board is. Consider what your goals, dreams, hopes, and aspirations are for 2021. How do you want to change and grow? What does 2021 have in store for you?
While it is fine to be inspired by other artists, it is not okay to take their ideas and represent them as your own. Further, creating original, unique, and interesting artwork is fun! Originality is one of our criteria, and your submission must be the product of your own talent, imagination, and skill. It is OK to use photos or text you find online, but the vision board final product must be unique.
Vision boards can be as simple as writing on a piece of paper or marker on a white board, but we encourage you to devote some time and talent to a vision board that is artistically creative! You can use any medium and format to make your board- wow us with your art!
The THREE top submissions will be awarded for this competition:
BEACH CULTURE ADVENTURE: Excited for a beautiful adventure on the sea!? You’ll get to take a friend to enjoy the cool water and incredible views on a spectacular Beach Culture adventure. You can choose kayaking OR paddle boarding for your trip, and you’ll be accompanied by a professional guide along the way. This is an adventure you won’t soon forget!
FUJIFILM POLAROID CAMERA: See life through a new lens with this instant-print camera from fujifilm! This unique camera prints photos on-demand and is perfect for aspiring photographers and artists- and a perfect way to take photos for your own vision board!
CHIPSY-TIME VOUCHERS: Enjoy some delicious treats courtesy of Chipsy-Time eatery! Chipsy-Time has been a supporter of MKS activities for a long time, and they have graciously provided vouchers for our students and families to enjoy as part of our Student Council competitions! Thank you, Chipsy Time!
Winning submissions will also be:
*If above prizes are not available, equivalent prize or cash award may be substituted at the discretion of contest organizers.
“A vision board is a visualization tool which refers to a board of any sort used to build a collage of words and pictures that represent your goals and dreams.” – Jack Canfield
A vision board is a visual representation of your VISION (or plan!) for the future! It is early in 2021, and now is the perfect time to think about what we want this year to look like and how we are going to make that happen. A vision board is also a great visual reminder to ourselves of who we want to be this year to keep us on track toward our goals. Usually vision boards are made on poster board, paper, or cork-board, but we will allow digital creations for this competition because it might be tough to get physical materials. Check out the video or the samples below for some inspiration!