Dear Staff and Students,
I would like to inform you that our HS Library will start its service from 10/ 28/2018 (Sunday).
First of all I apologize that it is too late to begin the Library this academic year due to transferring of books from High school to Middle School and also we received new books for the High school. The process is still ongoing.
I would like to invite all the teachers to use the Library and also bring their students for Research Classes. Please ensure that the students are accompanied by their respective teachers to the Library and also note that prior booking have to be done mentioning the date and time needed etc. personally or by mail.
I have attached the rules of High school Library .Please go through the rules and I hope soon our Library will be a wonderful place for sharing and gaining of Knowledge. I expect all your cooperation to make our Library the heart of this Institution.
Enjoy your Library!
Thank You
Manju Shibu
High School Librarian
Timings: 7:00 am to 2:45pm
Enjoy your Library, and Return Books on Time!
Greetings, staff, students, and families! In an effort to expand our library program and resource options, Modern Knowledge Schools has teamed up with the World Book Online eLibrary! The World Book Online Reference Center is a student’s best source for accurate and accessible information. It is a comprehensible site that includes the articles from the 22-
The following online resources are available to you at school or at home by going to the link below. Please use the username and password below to access this wonderful new resource:
Web address:
World Book Kids features content and tools developed especially for young students. The site offers simple navigation, easy-
World Book Student, the redesigned and upgraded version of World Book Online Reference Center, includes the articles of the World Book Encyclopedia, a Biography Center, dictionary, atlas, an extensive multimedia collection, thousands of editor-
Designed for high school and college students, World Book Advanced is a powerful reference tool that includes encyclopedic, multimedia, e-
World Book Discover, for differentiated instruction, includes reference articles, text-
The Early World of Learning uses narrated stories with word-
L’Encyclopédie Découverte offre des activités pratiques qui aideront les jeunes élèves à s’intéresser à la recherche. Une version de l’enseignant, accompagnée de sujets de discussion et d’une matrice d’évaluation, est disponible pour chaque activité.