Students are invited to submit entries for the MKS Mural Design Competition. The best entries may be selected to be painted inside the school campus!
Terms & Conditions:
March: Competition Announced
April 15: Submissions DUE
April 18: Winner Selection Process Begins
April 22: Winners Announced
Painting to follow.
We have not prescribed a specific theme for this mural design competition. It is, therefore, completely up to you to decide on the style and message of your mural. Use your imagination and come up with a design that will inspire the students and staff at MKS every time they walk by your mural masterpiece!
While it is fine to be inspired by other artists, it is not okay to take their ideas and represent them as your own. Further, creating original, unique, and interesting artwork is fun! Originality is one of our criteria, and your submission must be the product of your own talent, imagination, and skill. It is OK to use photos or text you find online, but your final product must be unique.
Whatever your theme and composition style, the design must be carefully crafted. Your attention to detail, neatness, and overall artistic quality must demonstrate that you are ready to leave a permanent mark on the school. The entry should be completed using paints and styles that you can exactly replicate on the walls of the school.
The chosen winner(s) will be permitted to paint their design on the walls of the school with careful guidance and supervision from MKS staff. All safety precautions will be taken to ensure a safe experience. The painting will remain in school for years to come as a testament to your artistic talents!
In addition, the competition winner will receive:
PUBLIC RECOGNITION: The top winning design will be featured on the MKS website and social media platforms.
EINSTEIN CAFE & CHOCOLATE HOUSE VOUCHERS: In addition, the winner designer will receive vouchers generously provided by Einstein Cafe & Chocolate House. Einstein features a wide variety of delicious treats to satisfy your cravings. Thank you, Einstein’s for sponsoring this event!!
ART SUPPLIES: The winner will also be awarded with an array of useful art supplies to broaden their craft and support their future creative endeavors! A voucher to an art store may be substituted in lieu of physical supplies if the winner prefers it.
Winning submissions will also be:
*If above prizes are not available, equivalent prize or cash award may be substituted at the discretion of contest organizers.
A mural is basically a really big permanent painting. It should be inspiring and the viewer should get some message out of it. It doesn’t have to include words as a message, but it is acceptable to use quotes as part of the design. If you are going to enter this competition, make sure you have the energy and the interest to spend a lot of time working on your final painting in the school. Murals take quite a bit of time and energy, so don’t enter if you aren’t really into it.
On the other hand, the feeling you get when you finish a mural is absolutely amazing. Knowing that your artwork will continue to inspire and intrigue others for years to come is an incredible experience!