Policy and Procedure

Enrollment Policy

Modern Knowledge Schools does not discriminate in admissions with regard to race, gender, ethnic origin, or religion. The decision to admit a student is based on an assessment of the student’s ability to benefit both from the school’s academic program and also from the student life environment. The Principals in consultation with the Director of Financial Resources & Registration and Superintendent make all admissions decisions.

Students joining the school are placed in a given grade level according to their age. The cut-off date that determines grade placement is September 30th.

Children must be 3 years of age by September 30th of the current academic year to be placed in Nursery; 4 years of age to join Kindergarten 2; 6 years of age by September 30th to join grade 1, and so on at all grade levels throughout the school.

Rule Book

Student's parents engage themselves to fulfill the following:
  • Your child will be required to follow the requirements of the school in all respect including uniform, behavior, attitude, academic progress and work ethic.
  • You will provide accurate school and health data on your child, and allow the school to verify the data submitted to it.
  • Pay the fees and other expenses related to the educational process as determined by the school administration.
  • Pay the cost of any vandalism committed by your child, and accept the decisions of the school; in response to disorderly conduct.
  • Accept the principal of expelling the student from the school in the event of disorderly conduct with security, disciplinary or ethical character that will affect the processes of learning and teaching in the class room or school.
  • Entry examination or interview is required to be completed by all applicants.
Testing, Placement and Retention

Student Admission


Students applying for admission to Modern Knowledge Schools for the first time are required to take the school-sanctioned placement tests. These tests vary by grade level. However, all students will take a reading test and math test (KG and Grade 1 students will be tested on phonemic awareness). Grade 3 and above students will also be required to complete a writing assessment. The tests will help the school determine proper placement of individual students (grade level or course assignment).


When determining a student’s placement in a grade and classroom, the school takes into consideration the student’s age, abilities, physical and social development, and past academic performance. Students are not normally placed in a grade above the student’s chronological age because doing so is not usually beneficial to the child’s educational, physical, and/or social development. However, parents may choose to ask for a waiver of this policy as described in the Enrollment and Placement Policies page on the website.

The school will accept suggestions from parents regarding the placement of their child. Such requests should focus on the specific learning needs of the child, not on a preference for one teacher over another. The school will pay close attention to these requests but may not always grant the request. Therefore, classroom placement is normally the school’s decision.


Retention of students is not a common practice at MKS, but there are times when it may be beneficial for the student. The principal and teachers will consult with the parents of any child considered for retention. The final decision on retention is made by the principal in consultation with the school chairman and superintendent.


In enrolling your child at MKS, parent(s) and guardian(s) are deemed to have granted permission for their child’s name and photograph to appear in school publications such as the yearbook, the school website, and school promotional publications.